Destaque para práticas para uma agricultura sustentável promovidas pela Campanha Food We Want. Todos os textos estão em Inglês.

A relentless human population growth combined with many problems in Kenya including lack of grazing land, low productivity of dairy cows, low fodder’s quality, prevalence of diseases and lack of financial means (Valk, 1990; Muma 1994) have lead to the implementation of a technique called Zero Grazing (ZG). Zero Grazing is especially useful in areas where land is scarce. It involves confining the dairy cattle in a cowshed and the development of a ‘cut and carry’ fodder system. Zero grazing is a system that consists of several components: housing, dairy cattle breeds, breeding and fertility, on farm fodder production and utilization of manure to restore soil fertility. (read more)
Stem borers, parasitic weeds and poor soil fertility are the three main constraints to the efficient production of cereals in SSA. Losses caused by stem borers can reach as high as 80% in some areas and an average of about 15-40% in others. Losses attributed to parasitic weeds in particular Striga hermonthica, Benth (African witchweed) on the other hand range between 30 and 100% in most areas and are often exacerbated by the low soil fertility prevalent in the region. The soils are highly degraded due to continuous cropping with limited or no external inputs to improve soil fertility. (read more)
To raise agricultural production the most common avenue is to increase the use of fertilizers, the supplement of water and the adoption of high yield varieties. Even if these techniques are well noted all around the world they have not been widely adopted by subsistence famers in SSA.
This is mainly related to the complex technical issues required, poor extension service, lack of capital or more simply poverty (Mati B.M. et al., 2011). As a consequence of population growth and urbanization during the second half of the twentieth century, rice demand has greatly increased. Thus rice is becoming a major staple crop in much of sub-Saharan Africa (W.A Stoop et al., 2002). (read more)